Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Rasizm Brumberga i Grossa
Rada Polityki Zagranicznej USA (The Council on Foreign Relations in Washington) wydaje pismo dwumiesięczne pt. „Sprawy Zagraniczne” ( „Foreign Affairs Magazine” ), w którym jest wyznaczony zakres alternatyw polityki zagranicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych. Rada Polityki Zagranicznej USA zajmuje dominującą pozycję dzięki ciągłości swego istnienia i składu członków, którzy zaliczają się do najwybitniejszych naukowców i dyplomatów Stanów Zjednoczonych. Od II Wojny Światowej rada ta wybrała każdego ministra spraw zagranicznych USA, niektórzy z nich nie byli osobiście znani prezydentom, którym mieli służyć. Wrześniowy i październikowy numer „Spraw Zagranicznych” zawiera oszczerczy artykuł o Polsce autorstwa Abrahama Brumberga p.t. „Polacy i Żydzi”, w którym z aprobata cytowane jest zdanie z książki ,,Sąsiedzi” J. T. Grossa: "zbrodnicze refleksy społeczeństwa polskiego skierowane przeciw Żydom nie były przypadkowymi zdarzeniami...." Wypowiedz ta jedynie zmienia podmiot napaści podczas gdy jest równoznaczna ze znaną opinią Hitlera o Żydach jako rasie urodzonych zbrodniarzy.
Zamieszczenie tak oszczerczego i anty-polskiego artykułu w „Sprawach Zagranicznych” bezpośrednio po oficjalnej wizycie prezydenta Kwaśniewskiego w USA oznacza, że polityka amerykańska w stosunku do Polski nie uległa poprawie mimo przyjaznych spotkań obu prezydentów przed kamerami telewizyjnymi.
Od dawna znana rasistowska i wroga postawa Brumberga wobec Polski jest bardzo podobna do stanowiska nazistów wobec Żydów w czasie II Wojny Światowej. W artykułach ,,Poles and Jews” oraz ,,Murder Most Foul” Brumberg potępia Naród Polski razem z jego tradycją tolerancji i walki o wolność. Brumberg stara się przedstawić Polaków jako degeneratów, których jedynym celem w życiu jest znęcanie się nad Żydami. Jest to analogiczne do nazistowskiego obrazu Żydów przed wojną, których jedynym celem w życiu miało być szkodzenie aryjczykom. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że rasistowski artykuł Brumberga, jak i wspomniana książka Grossa prowadzą do wzajemnej nienawiści i utrudniają zjednoczenie się ludzi w szacunku do ofiar minionych krzywd, niesprawiedliwości i zbrodni systemów totalitarnych.
Należy raz jeszcze zaznaczyć, że Rada Polityki Zagranicznej USA (The Council on Foreign Relations in Washington) wyznacza kierunek polityki zagranicznej USA i ma więcej wpływu na stosunki Stanów Zjednoczonych z innymi państwami niż mają tak parlament, jak i prezydent USA. Wydanie w obecnej chwili artykułu pełnego pogardy i oszczerstw pod adresem Polski oznacza poparcie przez Radę Polityki Zagranicznej USA kampanii wymuszenia okupu od Państwa Polskiego, i to na bez porównania większą skalę, niż okup który niedawno zapłaciła Szwajcaria. Kampanią tą, o czym już pisałem we wcześniejszych artykułach, kieruje Światowa Żydowska Organizacja Roszczeniowa (World Jewish Restitution Organization of the World Jewish Congress).
Po wojnie żydowski ruch roszczeniowy ( World Jewish Restitution Organization of the World Jewish Congress) odniósł sukcesy w zdobywaniu kolosalnych sum od rządu niemieckiego, a ostatnio uzyskał on od banków szwajcarskich sumę tysiąc dwustu pięćdziesięciu tysięcy milionów dolarów (miliarda dwustu pięćdziesięciu tysięcy) niby jako odszkodowanie za sprzeniewierzenie trzydziestu dwu milionów dolarów w 755 kontach przedwojennych (według oficjalnej komisji bankiera amerykanskiego Volckera). Uważa się, że tak wielka suma była okupem banków szwajcarskich zagrożonych bojkotem i utratą prawa do funkcjonowania na rynku nowojorskim. Ostatnio ruch roszczeniowy uzyskał od władz niemieckich blisko połowę całego funduszu odszkodowań za pracę niewolniczą w Niemczech bez sporządzenia odpowiedniej listy imiennej. Stało się to ku oburzeniu jeszcze żywych setek tysięcy weteranów pracy niewolniczej w Niemczech. Ludzie ci zdają sobie sprawę, że obecnie przy życiu nie ma więcej jak dziesięć tysięcy żydowskich weteranów pracy niewolniczej, ponieważ było ich już tylko około pięćdziesięciu tysięcy w 1945 roku na terenie Niemiec.
Teraz aby móc w dalszym ciągu funkcjonować i wymuszać odszkodowania od następnego państwa, ruch roszczeniowy musi udowodnić opinii światowej, jakie to jeszcze inne państwo brało udział w zagładzie Żydów. Tak wiec teraz przyszła kolej na Polskę, w której nieruchomości (tereny, budynki, etc.) jako członka NATO i potencjalnego członka Unii Europejskiej wnet będą bez porównania więcej warte niż są w dniu dzisiejszym. Tak więc wartość rynkowa przedwojennych posiadłości żydowskich w Polsce pójdzie w górę, wielokrotnie wyżej niż jest ich obecna wartość – stanowi to łakomy kąsek dla ,,przedsiębiorstwa Holokaust”.
Zdobycie prawa własności do tych obiektów przez żydowski ruch roszczeniowy może być spowodowane presją amerykańską na Polskę. Obiekty te przedstawiają około 15% do 20% całego polskiego majątku narodowego i będą wkrótce warte ponad sto tysięcy milionów dolarów (sto miliardów dolarów), tak że zdobycie kontroli nad nimi uczyniłoby ruch roszczeniowy (World Jewish Restitution Organization of the World Jewish Congress) największym potentatem finansowym i politycznym w Polsce. Ruch ten w krótkim czasie mógłby zmienić Polskę w satelitę Izraela i mieć ją w rezerwie na ponowną kolonizację przez Żydów, zwłaszcza jeśli ich życie w Izraelu stanie się nie do zniesienia.
Po Polsce żydowski ruch roszczeniowy najprawdopodobniej zainteresuje się Węgrami, Czechami, Słowacją, a następnie byłymi republikami sowieckimi Ukrainą, Białorusią, Litwą i Łotwą, w miarę jak kraje te odbudują się gospodarczo i będą mogły wstępować do NATO i do Unii Europejskiej, co jak wiemy nie wydaje się odległą perspektywą.
Żydowski ruch roszczeniowy jest popierany przez syjonistyczne lobby, które już zorganizowało pogróżki członków amerykańskiego parlamentu pod adresem Polski - senator Hilary Clinton jest jednym z prowodyrów w akcji tych pogróżek. Niedawno członkowie Sejmu polskiego, którzy usiłowali ograniczyć wysokość odszkodowań żydowskich byli oskarżeni przez Światowy Związek Żydów (World Jewish Congress) o „anty-amerykanizm” – oszczercze oskarżenie bardzo szkodliwe dla Polski, gdy jest ona tak bardzo uzależniona od dobrej woli rządu amerykańskiego. Oskarżenia te są wygłaszane mimo tego że w czasie niedawnej formalnej wizyty prezydenta Kwaśniewskiego, prezydent Bush powiedział, że Polska jest najbardziej pro-amerykanskim krajem w NATO.
Powtórzenie Schematu Propagandy Nazistowskiej
Żydowski ruch roszczeniowy (World Jewish Restitution Organization) zdobywa wielki rozgłos, który daje mu darmową światową reklamę. Od lat było wiadomo, że w czerwcu 1941 roku rząd niemiecki zdecydował się rozpowszechniać propagandę mającą przekonać świat, że niemiecka inwazja na Sowiety była entuzjastycznie witana przez ludność, która doświadczyła sowieckiego terroru. Niemiecka propaganda głosiła, że ludność terenów przyfrontowych z zemsty masowo mordowała komunistów i Żydów. Mordy te były opisywane jako reakcja ludności miejscowej na wcześniejsze sowieckie prześladowania.
Żeby zapewnić sukces swojej propagandzie nazistowski rząd niemiecki nakazał (rozkaz R. Heydricha z 29 czerwca 1941 roku) oddziałom egzekucyjnym zacierać wszelkie ślady swej obecności przy egzekucjach, nie robić dziennych raportów, jak również zakazane były zdjęcia pamiątkowe, które żołnierze niemieccy często sobie robili ze swoimi ofiarami. Brak niemieckiej dokumentacji dotyczącej masowych egzekucji przyfrontowych pozwolił ludziom z żydowskiego ruchu roszczeniowego ponownie zastosować przeciwko Polakom ten sam nazistowski schemat propagandowy oskarżający o zbrodnie niemieckie miejscową ludność. Ruch roszczeniowy (World Jewish Restitution Organization) w ten sposób – wykorzystując prowokację nazistów – „udowadnia” winę Narodu Polskiego w zagładzie Żydów.
Sprawa Jedwabnego zdominowała polskie środki przekazu i promieniowała na cały świat, który dowiadywał się o niej głównie z wypowiedzi przedstawicieli ruchu roszczeniowego. Zbrodnia z 10.VII.1941 roku miała być dowodem polskiej winy narodowej w zagładzie Żydów. W korespondencji ze mną na ten temat profesor Józef Wieczyński, główny redaktor pięćdziesięciotomowej encyklopedii Rosji użył trafnego terminu „bitwa o Jedwabne.” Ta medialna „bitwa o Jedwabne” dała żydowskiemu ruchowi roszczeniowemu kolosalną ilość bezpłatnej reklamy na światową skalę. Bitwa ta pozostanie faktycznie nierozegrana do czasu przeprowadzenia badań medycyny sądowej dwu masowych grobów w Jedwabnem co pozwoli dokładnie udowodnić plan i metodę zbrodni, jak również ilość ofiar i powód śmierci każdej z nich.
Szczegóły Tragedii w Jedwabnem
Dziś wiadomo, że 10 lipca 1941 roku Niemcy terrorem poprowadzili Żydów jedwabieńskich na miejsce ich masakry. Zastrzelili około 50 i spalili żywcem około 250 (nie 1600, czy 1800 jak to doniosła prasa amerykańska na podstawie fałszywych informacji zawartych w książce „Sąsiedzi” J. T. Grossa, który zignorował sowieckie i niemieckie źródła archiwalne).
Niemcy zorganizowali sobie do pomocy Volksduetch'ów (zdrajców i szpiegów), grupę prymitywnych kryminalistów miejscowych i z okolicy, oraz - jest nie wykluczone - że też kilku „mścicieli”. Ci ostatni, jeżeli rzeczywiście tam byli to prawdopodobnie byli przekonani, że niektórzy z Żydów jedwabieńskich narazili ich samych i ich rodziny na ciężkie prześladowanie przez NKWD i zsyłki do Gułagu. Dodatkową grupę Polaków Niemcy zmusili groźbami zastrzelenia i ciosami kolb karabinów do sprowadzenia Żydów do czyszczenia bruku na rynku.
Jeszcze żyją świadkowie tej szczegółowo zaplanowanej niemieckiej egzekucji kilkuset Żydów jedwabieńskich z 10 lipca 1941 roku. Wtedy Niemcy zmusili około 300 Żydów do maszerowania w niby pogrzebie betonowej głowy Lenina straconej z pomnika w rynku.
Niemcy podzielili Żydów na dwie grupy. Pierwsza grupa była złożona z około 50 mężczyzn, na tyle silnych, że mogliby się rozpaczliwie bronić. Druga grupa była złożona z około 250 osób, głównie kobiet, dzieci i starców.
Podczas gdy druga grupa była zatrzymana w tyle, pierwszej grupie Niemcy kazali wejść do małej stodoły, do której klucze skonfiskowali poprzedniego dnia, kiedy to opróżnili stodołę z przechowywanych w niej maszyn rolniczych. Pierwszej grupie Niemcy kazali kopać rów w klepisku stodoły by niby tam pochować głowę Lenina. (Gross napisał błędnie, że scena ta odbywała się na cmentarzu żydowskim). Kiedy rów był wykopany Niemcy otworzyli ogień do pierwszej grupy Żydów i prawdopodobnie kazali Polakom żeby pochowali rozstrzelanych Żydów. Głowę Lenina umieszczono na zwłokach w grobie pierwszej grupy ofiar. Wtedy Niemcy kazali drugiej grupie wejść do stodoły, którą wkrótce polali benzyną i podpalili.
Stefan Boczkowski, Roman Chojnowski i pięciu innych świadków zeznało, że widzieli jak Niemcy palili stodołę pełną Żydów. Niemiecka półciężarówka podjechała z żołnierzami niemieckimi i puszkami z benzyną. Część żołnierzy zeskoczyła, a pozostali podawali im puszki, których zawartość wylali na ściany stodoły i podpalili. Płomienie gwałtownie ogarnęły stodołę.
Pirotechniczna analiza wskazuje, że Niemcy musieli użyć około 400 litrów benzyny na mniej więcej 100 metrach kwadratowych ścian stodoły żeby została natychmiast objęta płomieniami, które spowodowały śmierć ofiar zamkniętych w stodole. Ludność miejscowa nie miała wtedy w ogóle dostępu do benzyny. Ludzie mieli małe ilości nafty do lamp naftowych. Nafta do lamp zapala się przy temperaturze ponad 50 stopni Celsjusza. Trudno by było za pomocą nafty wywołać tak nagły pożar, bo nafta po prostu nie pali się tak gwałtownie jak benzyna.
Następnego dnia Niemcy zmusili okolicznych rolników do wykopania rowu wzdłuż stodoły i pogrzebania w nim rozkładające się i wydające okropny zapach ciała ludzi z drugiej grupy w świeżo wykopanym grobie.
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej ustalił w 2001 roku, że ciała ofiar masakry Żydów z 1941 roku są pochowane wyłącznie w wyżej wymienionych grobach. Niestety, ekshumacja grobów została przerwana na skutek prośby rabina. Kompletne badanie zwłok według zasad medycyny sądowej i procedury kryminalnej oparte na całkowitej ekshumacji pogrzebanych wszystkich ofiar nie zostało dokonane. Tak więc niewiadomo ile osób zostało pogrzebanych i jaki był powód śmierci każdej z nich. Na podstawie pojemności obu grobów oceniono w przybliżeniu ilość ofiar na około 200-300 osób. Przy braku kompletnej ekshumacji i dokładnej analizy w oparciu z o zasady medycyny sądowej jakiekolwiek ostateczne sprawozdanie IPN jest bezwartościowe, bo brak ustalenia powodu śmierci każdej z ofiar i dokładnej ich liczby.
Postkomunistyczna Lewica a Prawda Historyczna
Post-komunistyczny prezydent Polski i jego post-komunistyczny premier dają poparcie ruchowi roszczeniowemu za pomocą polityki przeproszeń i skruchy za morderstwa takie jak masakra jedwabieńska, za którą oczywiście odpowiedzialny są Niemcy. Nic dziwnego że taka polityka nie tylko wzmocniła żądania Rosjan żeby Polska przeprosiła za niedopełnioną zbrodnię ludobójstwa na jeńcach rosyjskich w 1920 roku, ale również wzmacnia żądania niemieckie mające na celu obalenie ustaleń potsdamskich i warunków kapitulacji Niemiec, zwłaszcza tych które dotyczą mienia poniemieckiego w Polsce zachodniej i północnej.
Pamięć narodowa Polaków, jak i innych narodów dziś wyzwolonych spod sowieckiej dominacji zachowała obraz nieproporcjonalnie wysokiego udziału mniejszości żydowskiej i jej centralnej roli w narzucaniu jarzma sowieckiego przez stalinowski aparat terroru na kraje satelickie po II Wojnie Światowej. Ten niezaprzeczalny fakt historyczny był potwierdzony przez główne na świecie pismo kontrolowane przez środowiska żydowskie – „New York Times”.
Absurdalna wersja tragedii jedwabieńskiej, stworzona przez J. T. Grossa i powtarzana przez Abrahama Brumberga jest teraz rozgłaszana na łamach dwumiesięcznika „Sprawy Zagraniczne”. Dwumiesięcznik ten dziś głosi na cały świat kłamstwa i oszczerstwa, które przedstawione są jako prawda historyczna. Rząd polski może obalić te fałsze przez dokonanie ekshumacji obydwu grobów ofiar masakry Żydów w Jedwabnem. Potrzebne jest publiczne obalenie tych kłamstw faktami materialnymi otrzymanymi przez ekshumacje - te fakty jak widać, ruchowi roszczeniowemu i jego sprzymierzeńcom są niewygodne i dlatego kompletna ekshumacja nie została przeprowadzona według wymogów medycyny sądowej. Dopiero po kompletnym przebadaniu zawartości obydwu grobów prawda będzie mogła być oficjalnie ogłoszona. Stanie się to najprawdopodobniej wtedy kiedy Polską będzie rządzić władza złożona z patriotycznych Polaków, wolnych od wpływów post-komunistycznej lewicy.
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, były więzień Gestapo, numer 28865 w Sachsenhausen, autor: Poland, an Illustrated History – Polska – Historia Zilustrowana (Hippocrene Books, New York, 2000), Jews in Poland, a Documented History – Żydzi w Polsce – Udokumentowana Historia (Hippocrene Books, New York, 1993), Poland, a Historical Atlas – Polska – Atlas Historyczny (Hippocrene Books, 1987).
Sunday, July 1, 2007
No Restitution from Poland to radical Israelis mostly living in US.







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Poland will not pay any compensations to radical Israelis mostly living in US.
No Restitution from Poland to radical Israelis mostly living in US.
Poland is still poor country and Poland will not pay any compensations to radical Israelis mostly living in US and had nothing to do with victims of the Holocaust in Poland during the second world war by German Army.
Most of them coming now to Poland did live in comfort in the US during the war and did not help the Jews in Poland or Poland in negotiations with Roosevelt and Churchill to put pressure during the war.
It took polish man Mr. Karski to come to US and give all the proof of the Holocaust to US President and the US Congress and unsuccessful attempt in Great Britain.
How you dare to get more money from Poland after you got over $100 billions from Germany and $10 Billions from Switzerland.
What about the Jewish collaborators with the communist Stalin in eastern part of Poland after the 1939 Russia aggression - eastern Poland.
Read the book of Jewish Prof. of History Norman Finkelstein accuses US Jewish institutions - in particular, the Jewish Claims Conference (JCC) - of extorting moneys in the name of "needy Holocaust survivors." The Holocaust Industry .
You could have the good press in Poland when after John Paul II died and his house where he was born in Wadowice will be given for free for a Pope Museum. But not - Jewish owner from Chicago who the house was given back after 1990 ask millions of dollars and the house was purchase from him by polish businessman and given by him back to the museum of John Paul II Pope in Wadowice. Why was not the Jewish American Congress to come with this idea.
You had option to stay and rebuild Poland after second world like the pianist did but you select to leave to make easy in the west. Most Poles were not able to leave and they had to deal with communist for the next 55 years until the poles had defatted the communist and the cold war. It was not Reagan or Margaret Thatcher.
It was the Pope and the Polish People. If you want any restitutions go to Great Britain, United States and Russia.
Why Poland did not got the restitution from Germany or Great Britain, United States and Russia. Why you did not include Poland in restitutions when you were getting you billions
Lech Bajan
CEO RAQport.com
Polish American
Washington DC
Poland will not give to Jewish community 60 billion dollars as you dare to ask for. Poland suffers during the world WarII more than any other country in the world, same much as Jewish people.
We lost about 6 million people and entire country was destroyed. Still Poland was the only one country that never signs official Capitulation to Hitler or Stalin or collaborated with Nazi like French did.
On September 1st, 1939, 1.8 million German troops invaded Poland on three fronts; East Prussia in the north, Germany in the west and Slovakia in the south. They had 2600 tanks against the Polish 180, and over 2000 aircraft against the Polish 420. Their "Blitzkrieg" tactics, coupled with their bombing of defenseless towns and refugees, had never been seen before and, at first, caught the Poles off-guard. By September 14th. Warsaw was surrounded. At this stage the poles reacted, holding off the Germans at Kutno and regrouping behind the Wisla (Vistula) and Bzura rivers. Although Britain and France declared war on September 3rd. the Poles received no help - yet it had been agreed that the Poles should fight a defensive campaign for only 2 weeks during which time the Allies could get their forces together and attack from the west.
On September 17th. Soviet forces invaded from the east. Warsaw surrendered 2 weeks later, the garrison on the Hel peninsula surrendered on October 2nd., and the Polesie Defense group, after fighting on two fronts against both German and Soviet forces, surrendered on October 5th. The Poles had held on for twice as long as had been expected and had done more damage to the Germans than the combined British and French forces were to do in 1940. The Germans lost 50,000 men, 697 planes and 993 tanks and armored cars.
In the Soviet zone 1.5 million Poles (including women and children) were transported to labor camps in Siberia and other areas. Many thousands of captured Polish officers were shot at several secret forest sites; the first to be discovered being Katyn, near Smolensk.
The Germans declared their intention of eliminating the Polish race (a task to be completed by 1975) alongside the Jews. This process of elimination, the "Holocaust", was carried out systematically. All members of the "intelligentsia" were hunted down in order to destroy Polish culture and leadership (many were originally exterminated at Oswiencim - better known by its German name, Auschwitz.
The Polish Jews were herded into Ghettos where they were slowly starved and cruelly offered hopes of survival but, in fact, ended up being shot or gassed. In the end they were transported, alongside non-Jewish Poles, Gypsies and Soviet POWs, to extermination camps such as Auschwitz and Treblinka; at Auschwitz over 4 million were exterminated. 2000 concentration camps were built in Poland, which became the major site of the extermination program, since this was where most of the intended victims lived.
Many non-Jewish Poles were either transported to Germany and used as slave labor or simply executed. In the cities the Germans would round-up and kill indiscriminately as a punishment for any underground or anti-German or pro-Jewish activity. In the countryside they kept prominent citizens as hostages who would be executed if necessary. Sometimes they liquidated whole villages; at least 300 villages were destroyed. Hans Frank said, "If I wanted to put up a poster for every seven Poles shot, the forests of Poland would not suffice to produce the paper for such posters."
Despite such horror the Poles refused to give in or cooperate (there were no Polish collaborators as in other occupied countries). The Polish Underground or AK (Armia Krajowa or Home Army) was the largest in Europe with 400,000 men. The Jewish resistance movement was set up separately because of the problem of being imprisoned within the ghettos. Both these organizations caused great damage to the Nazi military machine. Many non-Jewish Poles saved the lives of thousands of Jews despite the fact that the penalty, if caught, was death (in fact, Poland was the only occupied nation where aiding Jews was punishable by death).
In early part of 1940 over 1 million poles were send by Soviets to Siberia with help very often by Stalin’s Jewish collaborators.
Poland had the largest underground army in occupied Europe. About 450 000 poles were active in underground army against Nazi. Polish Army was in all fronts World WarII from Tobruk, Monte Casino, Africa, Middle East, Battle of England, and Eastern Front.
The Polish pilots stood out during the campaign of 1939 and highlighted during the campaign in France. But the most distinguished role they played in 1940 when the decisive for the fate of the England and the coalition Battle of Britain took place (August 8 – October 31, 1940). During the Battle of Britain the Poles shot down 203 Luftwaffe aircraft which stood for 12% of total German losses in this battle.
From 1940 to 1945 the Polish squadrons and the Polish pilots serving in British units achieved 621 confirmed kills, and together with campaigns of 1939 and France– 900 confirmed and 189 probable. In the end of the world betrayed by alia
What about the braking of the Enigma Code and giving several days before the war Enigma Code, information how it works and polish build decryption machine to French
Poland Intelligence.
Polish people did not received from Germany over 100 billion dollars and billions from Switzerland like Jewish community did.
Fighting on all Fronts:
The Polish Army, Navy and Air Force reorganized abroad and continued to fight the Germans. In fact they have the distinction of being the only nation to fight on every front in the War. In 1940 they fought in France, in the Norwegian campaign they earned a reputation for bravery at Narvik, and in Africa the Carpathian Brigade fought at Tobruk.
Polish Squadrons played an important role in the Battle of Britain, accounting for 12% of all German aircraft destroyed at the cost of 33 lives. By the end of the war they had flown a total of 86,527 sorties, lost 1669 men and shot down 500 German planes and 190 V1 rockets.
The Polish Navy, which had escaped intact, consisted of 60 vessels, including 2 cruisers, 9 destroyers and 5 submarines (one of which was the famous "Orzel") which were involved in 665 actions at sea. The first German ship sunk in the war was sunk by Polish ships. The Navy also took part in the D-Day landings.
When the Soviet Union was attacked by Germany, in June 1941, Polish POWs were released from prison camps and set up an army headed by General Anders. Many civilians were taken under the protection of this army which was allowed to make its way to Persia (modern-day Iran) and then on to Egypt. This army, the Polish Second Corps, fought with distinction in Italy, their most notable victory being that at Monte Cassino, in May 1944, and which opened up the road to Rome for the Allies as a whole. One of the "heroes" of the Polish Second Corps was Wojtek, a brown bear adopted in Iran as their mascot; at Monte Cassino Wojtek actually helped in the fighting by carrying ammunition for the guns. He died, famous and well-loved, in Edinburgh Zoo in 1964, aged 22.
All the Polish forces took part in the Allied invasion of Europe and liberation of France, playing a particularly crucial role in the significant Battle of the Falaise Gap. The Polish Parachute Brigade took part in the disastrous Battle of Arnhem in Holland. In 1945, the Poles captured the German port of Wilhelmshaven.
In 1943 a division of Polish soldiers was formed in Russia under Soviet control and fought on the Eastern Front. They fought loyally alongside the Soviet troops, despite the suffering they had experienced in Soviet hands, and they distinguished themselves in breaking through the last German lines of defense, the "Pomeranian Rampart", in the fighting in Saxony and in the capture of Berlin.
The "Home Army", under the command of General Stefan Roweki (code-named "Grot"), and after his capture in 1943 (he was later murdered), by General Tadeusz Komorowski (code-named "Bor"), fought a very varied war; at times in open combat in brigade or division strength, at times involved in sabotage, often acting as execution squads eliminating German officials, and often fighting a psychological campaign against German military and civilians. It was a costly war since the Germans always took reprisals.
The Intelligence Service of the Home Army captured and sent parts of the V1 to London for examination, providing information on German military movements (giving advanced warning of the German plan to invade Russia), and gave the RAF full information about Peenemunde, where the Germans were producing V2 rockets.
The crime of Katyn was discovered in 1943 and created a rift in Polish-Soviet relations. From now on the Home Army was attacked by Soviet propaganda as collaborating with the Germans and being called on to rise against the Germans once the Red Army reached the outskirts of Warsaw.
Secretly, at Teheran, the British and Americans agreed to letting the Russians profit from their invasion of Poland in 1939 and allowing them to keep the lands that had been absorbed. The "accidental" death of General Sikorski at this time helped keep protests at a minimum.
When the Russians crossed into Poland the Home Army cooperated in the fight against the Germans and contributed greatly to the victories at Lwow, Wilno and Lublin only to find themselves surrounded and disarmed by their "comrades-in-arms" and deported to labor camps in Siberia.
On August 1, 1944, with the Russian forces on the right bank of the Vistula, the Home Army rose in Warsaw; the Warsaw Rising. Heroic street-fighting involving the whole population, using the sewers as lines of communication and escape, under heavy bombardment, lasted for 63 days. The city was completely destroyed. Not only did the Russians cease to advance but they also refused to allow Allied planes to land on Russian airfields after dropping supplies. After surrendering many civilians and soldiers were executed or sent to concentration camps to be exterminated and Warsaw was razed to the ground.
The defeat in Warsaw destroyed the political and military institutions of the Polish underground and left the way open for a Soviet take-over.
With the liberation of Lublin in July 1944 a Russian-sponsored Polish Committee for National Liberation (a Communist Government in all but name) had been set up and the British had put great pressure, mostly unsuccessful, on the Government-in-exile to accept this status quo. At Yalta, in February 1945, the Allies put Poland within the Russian zone of influence in a post-war Europe. To most Poles the meaning of these two events was perfectly clear; Poland had been betrayed. At one stage the Polish Army, still fighting in Italy and Germany, was prepared to withdraw from the front lines in protest; after all, they were supposed to be fighting for Polish liberation. It is a reflection on Polish honor that no such withdrawal took place since it could leave large gaps in the front lines and so was considered too dangerous for their Allied comrades-in-arms.
The war ended on May 8th, 1945.
The Cost:
The Poles are the people who really lost the war.
Over half a million fighting men and women, and 6 million civilians (or 22% of the total population) died. About 50% of these were Polish Christians and 50% were Polish Jews. Approximately 5,384,000 or 89.9% of Polish war losses (Jews and Gentiles) were the victims of prisons, death camps, raids, and executions, annihilation of ghettos, epidemics, starvation, excessive work and ill treatment. So many Poles were sent to concentration camps that virtually every family had someone close to them who had been tortured or murdered there.
There were one million war orphans and over half a million invalids.
The country lost 38% of its national assets (Britain lost 0.8%, France lost 1.5%). Half the country was swallowed up by the Soviet Union including the two great cultural centers of Lwow and Wilno.
Many Poles could not return to the country for which they has fought because they belonged to the "wrong" political group or came from eastern Poland and had thus become Soviet citizens. Others were arrested, tortured and imprisoned by the Soviet authorities for belonging to the Home Army.
Although "victors" they were not allowed to partake in victory celebrations.
Through fighting "For Our Freedom and Yours" they had exchanged one master for another and were, for many years to come, treated as "the enemy" by the very Allies who had betrayed them at Teheran and Yalta.
Polish-Jewish Relations
Was Jan Tomasz Gross correct?
I believe the American and European media owes an apology to the Polish people for printing an articles in which the authors refers to them as anti-Semitic.
Such a books and articles contribute even more to the ever-present anti-Polonism in the American and European media.
Did any of those so-called American historians ever investigate any attacks on the non-Jewish population?
Poles were the victims of such cruel acts on an almost daily basis. This fact is kept from American and European readers. Instead, the massacre, which was known in Poland, the files were not hidden but open for everyone to investigate, had to be "discovered" by a fame-seeking author.
The fact that Mr. Gross left Poland in 1968 tells me that a touch of revenge may be the motive for his search. The investigation will only be in Poland's favor.
In the past, Kosinski's alleged autobiographical books were proven to be hoaxes.
There are files of documents that Mr. Gross somehow ignored in his research, rather concentrating on the testimony of one witness. To understand the base of that attack, we must know the history of Poland and in my opinion, based on the observation of an average American person, we know nothing.
It is too difficult to understand without being provided with wider information, truthful publications by OTHER than American and Jewish historians.
Unfortunately, when a country is attacked, in Poland's case, by two great powers, chaos occurs.
The double standards are evident by calling an event, such as the one in Jedwabne, an act of anti-Semitism, while in the US, burning a synagogue in Worcester, Mass was called "an act of vandalism", a shooting in the Jewish Children Center in California -"an act of a mad man". If such acts took place in Poland, they would have been called anti-Semitic. American patriotism applied to Poles transfers into nationalism.
For 1000 years, Poland was the spiritual and religious center of Jewish Diaspora and produced one of the greatest world centers of Talmudic studies. 300 papers in Hebrew were published in Warsaw alone. Jews, unlike Blacks in America, were not forced to settle in Poland, prospered, attended colleges and universities, owned factories, etc.
So in 1264, King Boleslav of Poland granted a charter inviting the Jews there. The charter was an amazing document, granting Jews unprecedented rights and privileges. For example, it stated that:
"The testimony of the Christian alone may not be admitted in a matter which concerns the money or property of a Jew. In every such incidence there must be the testimony of both a Christian and a Jew. If a Christian injures a Jew in any which way, the accused shall pay a fine to the royal treasury."
"If a Christian desecrates or defiles a Jewish cemetery in any which way, it is our wish that he be punished severely as demanded by law."
"If a Christian should attack a Jew, the Christian shall be punished as required by the laws of this land. We absolutely forbid anyone to accuse the Jews in our domain of using the blood of human beings."
"We affirm that if any Jew cries out in the night as a result of violence done to him, and if his Christian neighbors fail to respond to his cries and do not bring the necessary help, they shall be fined."
"We also affirm that Jews are free to buy and sell all manner of things just as Christians, and if anyone hampers them, he shall pay a fine."
Polish King Kazimierz was favorably disposed toward Jews. On October 9, 1334, he confirmed the privileges granted to Jewish Poles in 1264 by Boleslaus V. Under penalty of death, he prohibited the kidnapping of Jewish children for the purpose of enforced Christian baptism. He inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries.
Although Jews had lived in Poland since before the reign of King Kazimierz, he allowed them to settle in Poland in great numbers and protected them as people of the king.
Another Polish king, Sigismund II Augustus, issued another invitation. Here is an excerpt from his edict, granting the Jews permission to open a yeshiva at Lublin, dated August 23, 1567:
"As a result of the efforts of our advisors and in keeping with the request of the Jews of Lublin we do hereby grant permission to erect a yeshiva and to outfit said yeshiva with all that is required to advance learning. All the learned men and rabbis of Lublin shall come together for among their number they shall choose one to serve as the head of the yeshiva. Let their choice be a man who will magnify Torah and bring it glory."
In Poland, the Jews were allowed to have their own governing body called the Va'ad Arba Artzot, which was composed of various rabbis who oversaw the affairs of the Jews in Eastern Europe. The Poles did not interfere with Jewish life and scholarship flourished.
Some important personalities of this period, which a student of Jewish history should remember, were:
Rabbi Moshe Isserles (1525-1572), from Krakow, also known as the Rema. After the Sephardi rabbi Joseph Karo wrote the Shulchan Aruch, the code of Jewish Law, Rabbi Isserles annotated it to fill in the rabbinic decisions from Eastern Europe. His commentary was, and continues to be, critically important in daily Jewish life.
Rabbi Ya'akov Pollack (1455-1530), from Krakow. He opened the first yeshivah in Poland and was later named the chief rabbi of Poland. He developed a method of learning Talmud called pilpul, meaning "fine distinctions." This was a type of dialectical reasoning that became very popular, whereby contradictory facts or ideas were systematically weighed with a view to the resolution of their real or apparent contradictions.
Rabbi Yehudah Loewe, (1526-1609), not from Poland but important to Eastern European Jewry. He was known as the Maharal of Prague and was one of the great mystical scholars of his time. He has been credited with having created the golem, a Frankenstein figure, a living being without soul.
Along with the growth in Torah scholarship came population growth. In 1500 there were about 50,000 Jews living in Poland. By 1650 there were 500,000 Jews. This means that by the mid 17th century about majority of the Jewish population of the world was living in Poland!
Where did these Jews settle within Poland?
Jews were generally urban people as they were historically not allowed to own land in most of the places they lived. However, they also created their own farm communities called shtetls. Although we tend to think of the shtetl today as a poor farming village (like in Fiddler on the Roof), during the Golden Age of Polish Jewry, many of these communities were actually quite prosperous. And there were thousands of them.
The Jews in these independent communities spoke their own language called Yiddish. Original Yiddish was written in Hebrew letters and was a mixture of Hebrew, Slavic, and German. (Note that Yiddish underwent constant development and "modern" Yiddish is not like the "old" Yiddish which first appeared in the 13th century, nor "middle" Yiddish of this period of time.) Overall, the Jews did well, but working alongside Polish and Ukrainian Christians
How many African Americans till the 20th century were able to do so?
Jews came to Poland on their own will, to the country of great opportunity, found shelter from the hostilities of Western Europe, stayed and prospered, had representatives in the Polish parliament, and had the freedom of expressing their religion and customs. In some towns of Eastern Poland, Jews accounted for more than 50% of the occupants. They were respected citizens, how could this be possible if the country was, as it is widely presented on the Jan Tomasz Gross book as anti-Semitic?
Polish Jews enjoyed equal rights and full protection of the law under the Polish government. The laws changed under the rule of Prussia, Russia, and Austria.
Keep in mind that it also affected Poles as well. Their situation improved after WWI when the Polish government was reestablished.
Why, between wars, was the Jewish population growing 6 times faster than Christian population, if the alleged anti-Semitism took place?
The only prejudice that you can accuse Polish people of is to be anti-Communist.
Marek Edelman, the last leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, who still lives in Poland, said: "It is not a Jew who is the enemy; it is an enemy who is Jewish." I'm sorry to destroy the beautiful image of the peaceful and innocent Jewish people but at the time of the massacre it was well known that there were "informers," "observers," "advisors," or in plain English "Soviet collaborators" among Jews then and through the war and post.
Those did not see the wrong they were doing, the comfort came from accepting a different way of thinking. They considered themselves Poles or Polish Jews before the war, now comfortably became only Jews, so there were no ties of loyalty to Poland or to the Polish people. Collaborators gave out Poles and Jews as well (Jakub Berman as an example).
But this would be too difficult to understand for us who for decades were fed on anti-Polish propaganda. The same propaganda that Nazis used and later Soviets and now is being repeated with a nauseating consistency by the American press.
The public does not know that Poland and Israel have a very good relationship.
It is the backwardness of American Jews to prefer the stereotype. I was hoping that with the raising of the Iron Curtain, the flow of information about Poland would be available to the average American reader and TV viewer.
That did not happen, rather we prefer to publish such articles. Also by hiding from public Polish accomplishments, only adds to the image of the Poles as some primitive tribe.
The fact that Poland's economy is the one of fastest growing in Europe is a thorn in the eye for some. The anti-Polish sentiment spreads to minimize their success. We already forgot who first faced the Soviet power and fought Communism.
Some are even lining up to collect money.
The difference between Holocaust victims in the US and Poland is that in Poland, Jews and Christians believe that there is no price on human despair, I guess American Jews found the price tag and the Holocaust became a good business.
Poles never asked to recompense their losses and they did not receive any help from the Marshal Plan either.
We must not forget that Poland was not only a victim during WWII but only recently freed herself from under Soviet occupation. We should remember that Communism in Poland was FORCED upon its people, that Soviets placed Jews on high positions, which triggered atrocities. There is no perfect nation, there are honorable citizens and there is scum in all of them. But it seems that we only find the bad in Poles and all the good in Jews. For a well-balanced story, the authors should mention what Soviet Jews did to Poles (Koniuchy massacre) and the fact that, from 34 countries, the Poles are those who have the most trees at Yad Vashem.
Poland lost almost 20% of its population; 6 million Poles were killed.
It was the only country in all of Nazi-occupied Europe with the death penalty for sheltering Jews. Germans knew how sympathetic Poles were to Polish Jews and that way, they could get rid of them both. Entire families, sometimes whole towns were murdered for sheltering Jews. 75% spoke only Yiddish, which later became a problem for those who wanted to be saved and pass as Poles. I guess American Jews don't rush to reveal some other information to the American public like: what were the Judenrat and the Jewish Police doing in the ghettos? Who took over the houses of Polish officers and their families when they were taken to Siberia?
In the American consciousness the Holocaust has become synonymous with Jewish history. Historical literature of the Holocaust has focused on the six million Jewish victims to the exclusion of the sixteen to twenty million Gentile victims.
Do we inform that Poland's government was the only one in Nazi-occupied Europe to sponsor the organization to help Jews escaping the ghettos?
What did American Jews do to help their dying brothers?
We allow speculation on almost every aspect of Polish-Jewish relationship never asking: "why don't we speculate how many Jews would save Poles if the roles were reversed?"
For me to have a different opinion is to risk being called an anti-Semite. An intelligent but objective Jewish person is called a "self-hating Jew". A "bystander" is someone who chose not to give his and his family's life for a stranger, Jewish person.
Good things are happening in Poland .We don't rush to tell about the annual Jewish Festival in Krakow or about the opening of yet another Jewish school in Warsaw. Or even about the commemorating of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We don't rush to tell about the "Fiddler on the Roof" in Yiddish at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw. Instead we publish misleading stories about a music concert in Auschwitz (!?) and killings in Jedwabne. Why is that? American historians should stop wasting their ink only writing about alleged Polish anti-Semitism. Any atrocities toward Jews either occurred during Nazi or Soviet occupation or were triggered by revenge and greed not to be mistaken with anti-Semitism. Also to suggest that all Polish Jews are long gone is wrong, many prospered and became famous: actors (Holoubek, Zapasiewicz, Himilsbach, Rudzki), movie critics (Waldorf), writers (Tuwim), philosophers and editors (Michnik), politicians (Mazowiecki, Suchocka), musicians (Szpilman, Zimmerman), heart surgeons (Marek Edelman), athletes (Kirszenstein a.k.a. Szewinska), singers (Szmeterling a.k.a. Jantar). Some Polish Jews just recently became interested in their religion; Jewish schools are reopening, while the synagogues, museums, and Jewish cultural institutes were always present in Poland's cultural life. Positive Jewish characters are in every Polish classic, there are streets named after Jewish heroes; monuments accommodate their heroism and their tragedy. All this does not seem like an anti-Semitic country does it? But it stays in the American media, as long as we allow it to.
Alex Lech Bajan
Polish American
Washington DC
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